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A Word About Child Medical Insurance

Child Medical Insurance

We love our children. From the moment we know they are setting out into this world, we begin to make plans for them. We want the best of everything for them, from home to community to schools and activities. We strive to raise them in a safe, healthy, and caring environment in the hope that they will grow into safe, healthy, and caring adults and remain so throughout their lives.

Child Medical Insurance

Children's health insurance must be included in our plans for our children. Children are constantly growing and exploring. They are active little people who spend a lot of time running, tumbling, playing sports, and developing potentially dangerous little games of their own. Plus, classrooms full of kids are prime breeding grounds during cold and flu season. If your daughter's best friend has a cold, you can be sure that your daughter will have one within a few days. It's inevitable that our kids will get sick, get hurt, need medication, or need X-rays - every now and then, or even more often!

The health and safety of our children is our number one goal. Unfortunately, we sometimes find ourselves in situations where our workplaces do not provide health insurance. It's easier to tell ourselves "not now" when it comes to treating a medical problem, but it's not so easy to tell our children "not now" when they have a dangerously high fever and ask us to help them feel better.

If you do not have health insurance at your job or have health insurance that you purchase yourself, you should think about your child's health insurance. If you do not have health insurance or cannot afford health insurance for yourself or your child, there are agencies that will help you. You can find affordable and sometimes even free children's health insurance that will cover dental, vision, and medical expenses for your child.

A Word About Child Medical Insurance


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